Stopped Pain Killers, Morphine Supplements, Antacids. 99% improvement after Stretta Therapy
Background A 56-year old woman presented with disabling reflux dyspeptic symptoms with episodes of nausea, vomiting, sore throat, retrosternal pain, heartburn, and early morning taste of... more

Mr Oliver Allenby-Smith, Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon, is the first Surgeon to offer Stretta® Therapy in Dorset
Mr Oliver Allenby-Smith, Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon, at the BMI The Harbour Hospital, is the first Surgeon in Dorset area to perform Stretta®, a safe and effective... more

Mr Chris Sutton, Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon at Spire Leicester Hospital is Now Offering a Non-Surgical Stretta® Procedure for Patients Suffering from Acid Reflux
Mr Chris Sutton, Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon, at Spire Leicester Hospital is now performing Stretta®, a safe and effective non-surgical treatment for patients... more

Dedicated Scottish Stretta Centre Now Available in Edinburgh
Stretta® Therapy, the highly effective and non-surgical treatment for acid reflux, is now available at the Scottish Stretta Centre in Edinburgh. The Stretta® procedure is a safe and... more

Stretta Therapy For GORD Approved in China
Clinically proven and cost effective solution for gastroesophageal reflux disease recently launched in China. Mederi Therapeutics Inc. has announced regulatory approval by CFDA and... more

New Treatment Zaps The Cause of Acid Reflux
BMI The Alexandra Hospital in Cheadle, is the first private hospital in the north west to offer a treatment that uses radio waves to cure acid reflux. Stretta is a new, minimally invasive... more

New Treatment Zaps The Cause of Acid Reflux
BMI The Alexandra Hospital in Cheadle, is the first private hospital in the north west to offer a treatment that uses radio waves to cure acid reflux. Stretta is a new, minimally invasive... more

Stretta® Therapy Accepted by All Major Private Medical Insurers
Stretta® Therapy, Non-Ablative Radiofrequency Treatment, Is Now Accepted By All Major Private Medical Insurers in the UK Stretta®... more

Now Acid Reflux Can Be Banished For Good Without Surgery: New Technique Using Electric Needle Toughens Up Your Insides
Many people suffer from occasional acid reflux, but for some it becomes a chronic problem that can lead to ulcers and potentially cancer. Matthew Foster, 28, a Royal Engineer who lives... more

UK Clinical Data on Stretta® Therapy Presented at the British Society of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting June 2016
Poster no. PWE-087 outlines the improvements seen in patients with heartburn and regurgitation symptoms as well as the overall patient satisfaction and quality of life. One of the key... more